Spam are useless messages posted on the website for no apparent purpose. This includes repetitive sentences, posts that are completely out of the discussion of the thread, and threads that are "randomness". Examples of spam:
Title: LOLOL
Title: I like wafflez
Message: NO U
Randomness is different than offtopic, contrary to what is thought. Offtopic are discussions on anything not ROBLOX. Randomness are purely useless messages that serve no real purpose. Again, don't post on the forums if you don't like it.
Spam is very aggravating, and often makes others leave the forum. We will not take spam offenses lightly, and you can be 3-14 days banned, or permanently banned from the website if you continually spam our forum. This can also include threads in which the poster delibirately posts with bad grammar. Threads have better have purpose in them, or it will be regarded as spam, and treat the poster with that category's punishment.